
Friday, April 16, 2010


Family life is full of major and minor crises -- the ups and downs of health, success and failure in career, marriage, and divorce -- and all kinds of characters. It is tied to places and events and histories. With all of these felt details, life etches itself into memory and personality. It's difficult to imagine anything more nourishing to the soul.
--thomas moore

In each family a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair.
--auguste napier

It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.
--anne sexton

No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement.
--florida scott-maxwell

the best saying ever for me was .. "joy is the best makeup. "
a very simple quotation from anne lamott but a really meaningful group of words.


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